First Saturday Ride

Posted on 14 February 2019

Would you like to try something new? If you are competitive and confident, this may be a perfect activity for you. Try bike rides every Saturday. It is an excellent way for groups to leave and drive on your bike, but quiet as well as being training rides you could also take advantage to socialize a little with people with the same tastes.

These meetings are held once a month, in different locations, depending on the route selected for that session. In some groups, the schedules and routes are subject to change depending on the availability of the members.

Of course, all the rides are open to the public, the novices start with more experienced groups to learn the riding skills. The more experienced ones would be willing to give you some tips on the matter in case you need them. Do not be afraid to ask, if it's about the kit with everything you need, tips for riding, the best places to ride, there are people with years of experience attentive to answer any questions.

However, it is important to note that these activities are not designed for children and those who are too new to drive motorcycles.

What are the things I need to know before getting on a motorcycle?

  • Complete equipment: Having good equipment allows it to be well protected against any setback. The first thing is to have a good helmet, gloves, jacket with protectors and finally nice boots. Remember to choose everything according to your convenience and comfort.
  • Know how to move the motorcycle at a standstill: This action may not be so easy, it depends on the type of motorcycle being treated, its weight and height of its center of gravity and what kind of movement we want to do.
  • Check that everything is in order: It's never too bad to take a general look at your motorcycle before leaving. Especially the wheels, the condition of the chains, that the controls on feet and hands do not show any damage, accelerator, and lights in order.

Useful tips while driving a motorcycle

  • Do not wear headphones or cover ears. It is necessary that you have all your senses activated to be aware of what is around you.
  • Always wear your helmet, it is the main requirement to be able to leave.
  • Everything with measure. You should be careful when using the accelerator; the front rim can get up and, the rear one, lose grip, causing an accident.
  • Make sure you wear the right clothes, short or long sleeves, with or without a jacket, depending on the weather conditions. Do not underestimate the wind, a simple breeze can be a great disadvantage
  • Braking techniques. If you must brake at less than 30 km / h, it is recommended to do it with the rear wheel, this will allow you to control the motorcycle better; at higher speeds, it is not recommended to brake suddenly, but to do it little by little with both brakes.
  • Avoid zigzagging between cars and always try to walk in a straight line; If you drive in extreme right or left lanes, take into account that if a car turns around, it probably has not seen you and will block your way.
  • Read the regulations. There are traffic laws for motorcycles. By knowing them, you will know what you can and can not do; In addition, you will be prepared in case some policeman wants to be ready.
  • Identify areas of low adherence. Metallic platforms and painted cement tend to be dangerous surfaces, especially if they are wet. 

More information on the event here

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